XIME Bangalore Cut-off 2022 โ€“ Check Cut Off Mark Here

Latest Applications Open 2024:

XIME Logo Xavier Institute of Management and Entrepreneurship signifying XIME Bangalore agrees to take CAT, XAT, CMAT, MAT, GMAT and ATMA scores intended for admissions to its two-year Post Graduate Diploma Programs in Management (PGDM) programs. The cutoff of XIME Bangalore will be announced, as soon as the results of national-level entrance tests are proclaimed.

Contenders who will get a percentile either identical or more than the XIME Bangalore cutoff will be qualified for further selection rounds. The previous year, the cutoff of XIME remained 75.

It is expected that the XIME Bangalore cutoff will remain similar for the 2019 academic year. AICTE has permitted the entry of 180 students for the XIME Bangalore campus and 120 students for the Koch campus, intended for the PGDM program. XIME receives the following entrance exam grades

  • CAT
  • XAT
  • CMAT
  • MAT (May, September, December, February)
  • ATMA
  • GMAT

XIME Bangalore Cutoff

  • XIME Bangalore Cutoff for CAT/XAT/ CMAT/ MAT/ ATMA โ€“ 75+ percentile
  • XIME Bangalore Cutoff for GMAT โ€“ score of 600 and above

Contenders getting 75 or more percentile in any one of the mentioned exams will be suitable for participating in the XIME Bangalore assortment procedure or admission procedure.

The eligibility cut-off intended for XIME will be raised from 75 percentile the next year to confirm the better quality of applicants. GMAT is also being considered for addition as an eligibility test.โ€

XIME Bangalore Assortment Procedure: After the test, the XIME Bangalore Cutoff shortlisted contenders should seem in the following rounds,

  • Group Discussion
  • Interview

The final assortment of applicants will be by the following factors with the cited significance.

Final weightage for an assortment

Factors Weightage
Score for academic performance in X Std., XII Std., Under Graduate Degree/ Post Graduate Degree 20%
Score in the entrance test 35%
Group discussion/Interview 35%
Sports, Extra-Curricular activities, Academic diversity, and Gender diversity 10%

XIME Bangalore Fee

 As declared on the official website of XIME, the first-year fee for PGDM  is Rs. 5,00,000, which can be paid through the contenders in four payments of Rs. 1,25,000 each. The second-year fee remains Rs. 5,00,000, which is given in the parallel payments.

Applicants who will be receiving percentile either equivalent or above XIME Bangalore cutoff will be competent for more assortment rounds. The previous year, the cutoff of XIME remained 75.

It is expected that the XIME Bangalore cutoff will remain similar in the coming year. Contenders can check out all the specifics about the XIME cutoff, fee, and admission process from the article nailed down.

If you any queries regarding XIME Bangalore 2022 Cutoff, you can ask your query and leave comments below.