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UCEED 2024 Preparation – Mock Test, How to Prepare Exam

Latest Applications Open 2024:

UCEED 2024 Mock Test (Practice) will be released in January 2024. The UCEED is conducted by the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Bombay, Undergraduate Common Entrance Examination for Design 2024, to allow the candidates to seek admission in the Bachelor of Degree Program (B. Des.).

The UCEED examination is also considered a national-level examination. The UCEED exams are generally scheduled in January every year, and this examination is conducted by the Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay.

After passing the UCEED Exam, students will be allowed to take Admission offered to participating institutions like IIT Bombay, IIITDM Jabalpur, and IIT Guwahati by UCEED Scores.

UCEED 2024 Preparation – Mock Test Started

New UCEED 2024 Mock Test (Practice) will be released on 1st week of January 2024. The link will be Provided Here.

Preparation Tips for UCEED

Focus on mathematical geometry

The UCEED question paper is set up to check the candidate’s mathematical aptitude mainly. The paper consists of geometry-type questions that can assess a person’s imaginative powers, observation skills, creativity, and lateral thinking.

The candidates need to know manipulation and geometry solid transformations. Keeping this in mind, candidates must practice UCEED to improve their imagination, observation, and lateral thinking.

Visualization and observation

  • Animation movement: This section of the paper deals in step-by-step image movements, which, when put together as a whole, create animation or videos. While attempting these questions, aspirants need to be extremely careful about their observation in every step. While preparing for the UCEED exam, aspirants must attempt questions involving animation movement.
  • Solving geometric objects: Solving geometric object-type questions is an excellent way to improve visualization and imagination. Since the examiners assess these two criteria, questions that can calculate the same are included in the exam. While preparing for the exam, pay special attention to these practice questions.
  • Tessellations: Also popular by the name of unfolded views, tessellation checks the candidate’s ability to unwrap a solid on a flat surface and sketch the unfolded interpretation on the paper. An aspirant must ensure that he/she practices the same while preparing for the exam.
  • Illusions: Illusions are a great way to improve observation skills. Practising the same can help extensively in clearing the UCEED exam.
  • Evolution of objects: This section generally includes an object’s product cycle from the past to the present. A candidate must be capable of observing and then identifying everyday use objects from the past generation to the new one.

Pay Attention to Abstract Tests

Preparing for questions that can help assess abstract, mechanical, and mathematical aptitude can greatly help candidates appearing in UCEED exams.

Abstract tests assess a candidate’s pattern-finding and problem-solving abilities. Since these two hold weight in the UCEED exam, preparing for the same well in advance is a great decision.

English Comprehension and Language

UCEED exam paper includes questions related to reading comprehension, sentence completion, and synonymous, to name just a few. Being a pro at English comes only with practice.

Make sure you prepare for the same in advance so that when it is time to appear in the exam, you are well-prepared and do not consume too much time in this section of the paper.

Do not spend too much time on General Awareness.

Brushing up your general awareness is a good idea, but spending too much time on the same is not wise. Investing time in questions related to designers, materials, animation, and artists is better.

Reasoning Tests

Practice is the only key to excel in reasoning questions.

Practising reasoning or geometry-type questions daily will give you a fair idea of what kind of questions one can expect in the exam.

Also, since you must have practised enough of these questions, they will come as no surprise to you, making it easy to attempt the questions in the exam.

Keep yourself Updated about Environmental Studies.

When creating designs, one should ensure that they are environment-friendly.

The effect of your design must not hurt the environment’s future. Also, the ongoing concept of ‘Go Green’ must be considered while creating the designs.

A few things that must be considered while creating designs are:

  • The materials used in the product.
  • Does it affect the environment?
  • An alternative material that can be used.

If you have any other Questions related to UCEED Preparation 2024, you may ask your Queries by commenting below.