rajasthan board

REET 2024 Result, Merit List – Check Score Card Here

Latest Applications Open 2024:

REETThe Rajasthan Eligibility Examination for Teachers is abbreviated as REET and the Board of Secondary Education Rajasthan (BRSE) is the conducting authority of the REET Examination.

The REET is organized to select the candidates for the post of teachers in primary (class I -V) and upper primary (VI-VIII) schools in Rajasthan state. In the various private and government schools of Rajasthan State, the applicants will be allotted as a teacher to provide education to the candidates.

Here, from this content, candidates will know the detailed information about the Rajasthan Eligibility Examination for Teachers (REET) in which includes the REET Result, Result dates, and procedure to check the Result, etc.

REET 2024 Result

The REET Result will be declared on the official website after a few days of examination and participating candidates will be able to check their Results through online mode.

To check the Result, applicants should have to enter their roll number in the required field. Those applicants will have qualified marks in the examination; they will be shortlisted in the merit list prepared through authority.

REET 2024 Result Date

Those applicants have given the REET examination; can check their Results on the provided schedule through the authority mentioned below.

Event Dates
Date of REET in 16 cities 4th week of July 2024
Declaration of Result 1st week of October 2024

Procedure to Check the REET Result

Applicants can check the REET Result by following the Result mentioned below and they must have to follow it.

  • Firstly, candidates must have to visit the official website of the Board of Secondary Education Rajasthan which is www.examrtet.rajasthan.gov.in.
  • They have to go to the Result section and search out the Rajasthan TET Result Link.
  • The next page will open and applicants have to click on it.
  • To download the Result, candidates should have to enter required details such as application number, name & DOB/Password for getting the scorecard easily.
  • After entering details, applicants have to click on the submit button & submit all the detailed information.
  • Within a few minutes, the Result will display to the candidates on the official website.
  • Now, click on the download button and download it.
  • Finally, candidates should have to take the printout copy of the Result card & keep it safely for exam use.

REET 2024 Cut off

The REET cut-off marks is the minimum qualifying marks, which is decided through the authority to select the candidates as per their marks. Candidates need to make the minimum score equal to the cut-off marks to qualify for the Examination.

The Rajasthan TET Cutoff Marks 2024 will be based on the following factors as Time Duration of the Examination, the Total Number of Questions in the Exam, the Difficulty level of the Examination, the Marking scheme of the Examination, and various other factors.

If you have any queries regarding REET Result 2024, you can ask your query and leave comments below.