NID 2024 Sample Papers – Check Question Papers & Previous Papers Here

Latest Applications Open 2024:

NID is short for the National Institute of Design, which is conducted for aspiring students selecting the courses Master of Design, Bachelor of Design, Graduate Diploma, and Master of Design. To get into any of the mentioned courses, you must score high marks on the entrance test.

Those willing to participate in the NID DAT Merit and NID DAT Prelim can pursue a career in the desirable course after being selected in the NID DAT Prelim. Only they will be going for further Admission Procedures. Millions of aspirants will be attending this exam.

The entrance test is organized to recruit an appropriate student for the exam. Merit is a significant factor in getting selected. Through the tests, the exam body will be able to analyze the mental strength of the students. The exam is segregated into two phases: mains and prelims. The Exam Pattern was first made known to the aspirants in 2024.

The DAT is a written exam consisting of 100 marks of three hours duration. The DAT will be putting the aspirants to the test.

  • Design problem solving
  • Visual Sense
  • Observation and Perception
  • Environmental Awareness
  • Mental Ability and Communication skills

NID 2024 Sample & Question Papers Instructions

After preparing the sample papers, they are not going to face failures. The NID will keep you informed about the DAT pattern. Since it is well known that the exam will consist of two segments, one includes the objective questions with 70 marks, and the latter features the subjective questions with 30 marks.

Looking at the sample papers, aspirants will be familiar with the types of questions that are considered crucial for exam preparation. The sample papers can be viewed at the site of NID. It is essential to prepare through the sample papers, and for better preparation, you should also look at the previous year’s questions. The more you practice, the more you can analyze the intricacy of the questions.

The sample papers for UG and PG have been made available to the students. The sample papers will include the sorts of questions asked in the exam. Practising each question, it becomes easy to handle any question. This way, you will save time and waste on questions that may not appear reasonable. Through sample papers, you will easily be able to grasp the meaning of the questions.

DAT Prelims 2024 Exam Pattern

  • Knowledge
  • Comprehension
  • Analysis
  • Creativity
  • Visualization

NID DAT Prelims include two sections

Section one will feature the objective questions, and 70 marks will be achieved by those providing each correct answer.

Section two will include the thirty marks.

The Design Aptitude Test Prelim is a three-hour test, and you must answer the question in writing. The whole question paper will be structured in English medium.

It would be best to attempt each question without spending much time on the question you don’t know. There is no need to be concerned about the mark reduction as it does not involve any negative marking.

For any other queries about the NID 2024 Sample Paper, you can leave your queries below in the comment box.