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JEECE 2023 Result, Merit List (Out Soon) โ€“ Check Score Card Here

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Combined Entrance Competitive Exam Board (JCECEB) will conduct the JEECE 2023 exam. This exam is an entry to acquire entrance in professional BE/B. Tech degree programs. Contenders can get admission to the colleges/institutions of the Jharkhand state. The result of the JEECE 2023 will be announced by the authority on the website. Contenders can approach their results only using an online method.

It releases the JEECE 2023 result in June 2023. The Jharkhand Combined Entrance Competitive Exam Board is shortly known as JCECEB and this board has administered the Jharkhand Engineering Entrance Competitive Examination (JEECE) to provide admission to the candidates in various BE/B. Tech degree course and the applicants can fill the application form online mode from the official website of Jharkhand Combined Entrance Competitive Exam Board.

The applicants can get admission to the various colleges/institutions of the Jharkhand state on the basis of their marks scored in the examination of JEECE. The applicants should have check their eligibility criteria. Here, from this article, the applicants will be able to know the detailed information of JEECE in which includes JEECE result, result dates, the procedure to check results, etc.

JEECE Result 2023

JEECE 2023 Cut Off will be announced after the announcement of the result. The JEECE result will declare in the fourth week of May and those applicants have participated in the examination of JEECE, they can check their results online mode from the official website of the Jharkhand Combined Entrance Competitive Exam Board.

The applicants will get admission to the various programs on the basis of their marks obtained in the examination of JEECE.

The applicants can check their results by entering their โ€œRoll Numberโ€ or โ€œApplication Numberโ€ and after displaying the result, candidates can take the print out of the result for future use. Applicants will be shortlisted on the merit list on the basis of their results.

JEECE 2023 Result Date

JEECE exam was organized in the last week of  May 2023 using online. Contenders can check JEECE Result through an online manner from the website. The JEECE result in 2023 is acknowledged in the 1st week of June 2023.

After the declaration of the outcome, the authority conducts the counseling in two rounds. The counseling process is led from the 2nd week of July 2023.

JEECE Merit List 2023

The authority will declare the combined merit list along with the category-wise merit list for the candidates as per their marks obtained in the examination of JEECE.

As per the shortlisted merit list, candidates will be able to attend the counseling procedure. The seat will be allotted to the candidates at the time of the counseling procedure.

How to Check Result

The candidates are titled for the counseling round by rank secured by the candidate in the exam. Contenders can check their results by following the steps given below:

  • Be present at the official website link
  • Tick on that link.
  • A new page will be released on the screen.
  • Next, pick out your exam.
  • Fill your roll number/application number in a specified space.
  • Then, connect to the search button.
  • The result will be displayed on the computer screen.
  • Download your result, check your rank and take a printout

JEECE 2023 Rank List

The combined merit list together with the category-wise merit list will be out by the board. The merit list will be produced only for the capable entrants. Contenders, who seemed in the JEECE entrance exam can check their merit on the website.

The allocation of the seats will be provided by the prepared merit list. The merit list will be grounded on the score secured through the entrants in the qualifying examination.

JEECE 2023 Cut-off

It will be broadcasted after the proclamation of the result. The cut-off is the minimum qualifying marks that contenders have got to score to get admission to the engineering colleges of Jharkhand state.

JEECE 2023 Counseling

The counseling is directed in two rounds.  At the time of document corroboration, contenders have to produce their original certificates. If the contender misses the mark to existing the original brochures at the time of counseling then, their admission will be canceled.

Admission will be offered to the candidates for those qualifying for the written examination. The admission development will be decently grounded on the merit-equipped. Contenders also have got to keep the hard copy of the application form for the counseling session.

Important Documents Needed for JEECE 2023

A list of vital documents needs to be exhibited through an entrant for the proof of the factโ€™s purpose. Take care, to bring these listed documents for the counseling round by the date and time selected by the Board.

  • Admit card, Mark Sheet, and Passing Certificate of class 12.
  • Admit card, Mark Sheet, and Passing Certificate of class 10.
  • Local Resident Proof
  • Caste Certificate (if applicable)
  • Income Certificate
  • A Recent Passport Size Picture of the Candidate
  • Admit Card of JEECE 2023
  • Disability Certificate (if applicable)

If you have any other Questions related to JEECE 2023 Result, you may ask your Queries by commenting below.