CAT Admission Exam

CAT Syllabus 2024 (Available), Section & Subject Wise Syllabus – Check Here

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The CAT 2024 syllabus covers Data Interpretation & Logical Reasoning (DILR), Quantitative Aptitude (QA), and Verbal Ability & Reading Comprehension (VARC). It’s recommended that students concentrate on key subjects such as Algebra, Geometry, and Arithmetic in QA, and practice areas like Vocabulary and Reading Comprehension. Additionally, focusing on solving exercises like Para-Jumbles, Coding-Decoding, and Series Completion will be beneficial for preparation.

CAT 2024 serves as the gateway for MBA admissions to prestigious institutions such as 21 IIMs and other renowned B-schools like SPJIMR, IMT, Great Lakes, TAPMI, MDI Gurgaon, and several IITs. The exam is highly competitive, but candidates who thoroughly understand the CAT syllabus stand a good chance of cracking it.

Students are selected based on percentile. A percentile is different from a percentage because percentile rank is a score of the percentage of scores in a certain distribution. All the Management Institutes fall under the IIMs or the Indian Institute of Management. These institutes also provide consultancy and research services globally in many business and management fields.

CAT Syllabus 2024 Overview

CAT 2024 will primarily focus on three key sections: VARC (Verbal Ability & Reading Comprehension), DILR (Data Interpretation & Logical Reasoning), and Quantitative Aptitude. Here are the main aspects of the CAT 2024 syllabus for effective preparation:

SectionTopics Covered
VARC (Verbal Ability & Reading Comprehension)– Verbal Reasoning
– English Grammar
– Reading Comprehension
Quantitative Aptitude– Geometry
– Arithmetic
– Algebra
– Mensuration
– Trigonometry
DILR (Data Interpretation & Logical Reasoning)– Puzzles
– Tables
– Pie Charts
– Bar Graphs

What is the Syllabus in CAT 2024?

The CAT syllabus for MBA admissions is not officially released by the IIMs through a specific PDF document. Instead, coaching experts analyze previous years’ CAT question papers to compile the CAT 2024 syllabus. This syllabus focuses on essential topics across various exam subjects. Understanding these subjects thoroughly and preparing strategically is key to succeeding in the CAT exam.

The CAT exam is widely regarded as one of the most challenging MBA entrance exams in India. However, with effective preparation, cracking CAT 2024 is achievable for anyone. The first crucial step towards success in CAT 2024 is gaining a thorough understanding of the topics covered in its syllabus. It’s important to identify which sections might seem tough, as this can vary from person to person. While some candidates find DILR (Data Interpretation & Logical Reasoning) daunting, others may struggle with Quantitative Aptitude topics. Rather than relying on subjective opinions, it’s advisable to review the entire CAT 2024 syllabus comprehensively.

Once familiar with the syllabus, the next step is to understand the CAT exam pattern.

CAT Syllabus and Exam Pattern

Total Subjects3
Sections in CATData Interpretation & Logical Reasoning (DILR), Quantitative Aptitude (QA), and Verbal Ability & Reading Comprehension (VARC)
CAT Exam ModeComputer-Based Test
Type of QuestionsMultiple Choice Questions (MCQs)
Number of Questions in CAT 2024VARC: 24 questions
DILR: 20 questions
QA: 22 questions
Duration of CAT Exam120 minutes (160 minutes for PwD Candidates)
Section-wise DurationEach section: 40 minutes (53 minutes and 20 seconds for PwD Candidates)
CAT Syllabus 2024VARC: Para Summary, Jumbled Paragraphs, Sentences, Analogies, Passages on current affairs and literature, Vocabulary
DILR: Bar Graphs, Line Graphs, Pie Charts, Tables, Caselets, Logical Reasoning Puzzles, Binary Logic, Logical Deductions, Venn Diagrams, Data Sufficiency, Quantitative Comparison, Cubes and Dice, Logical Connectives, Number Series, Data Interpretation from Text
QA: Arithmetic, Algebra, Geometry, Number System, Modern Mathematics, Data Interpretation, Trigonometry, Calculus, Basic Statistics

CAT Syllabus 2024 for VARC

In CAT 2024, the first section covers the English syllabus, specifically the VARC (Verbal Ability & Reading Comprehension) section. This section comprises a total of 24 questions that candidates must answer within 40 minutes. Candidates need to distinguish between the syllabus for Verbal Ability (VA) and Reading Comprehension (RC) while preparing for CAT 2024. This segregation helps in focusing on specific skills required for each type of question in VARC.

CAT Syllabus 2024 for VARCCAT Syllabus 2024 for VARC
Fill in the blanksIdioms
Para completion and inferenceSyllogisms
Verbal logicAnalogies
Verbal reasoningAntonyms
Subject-verb agreementJumbled paragraphs
Para jumblesSentence correction
Sentence completionOne-word substitution
Foreign language words in EnglishParts of speech
Different usage of the same wordPreposition
GrammarTypes of clauses
Reading comprehensionPhrases modifiers
Errors in tensesArticles usage

What to study from the CAT 2024 Syllabus for VARC?

  • Reading Comprehension (RC): Understanding central themes, grasping details, analyzing tone, inferring implied meanings, and answering questions based on passage content.
  • Vocabulary: Includes synonyms, antonyms, word usage, contextual meaning, analogies, idioms, and phrases.
  • Grammar and Usage: Focuses on sentence correction, error spotting, completion, and grammar rules (Parts of Speech, Tenses, Subject-Verb Agreement).
  • Para Jumbles: Involves rearranging jumbled sentences logically to form coherent paragraphs.
  • Critical Reasoning: Requires evaluating arguments, strengthening and weakening arguments, making assumptions, drawing inferences, and logical deductions.
  • Paragraph Completion: Selecting the appropriate sentence to logically complete a given paragraph.
  • Summary: Condensing main ideas from passages into concise summaries.
  • Reading and Comprehending Different Text Forms: Understanding essays, articles, editorials, literary excerpts, etc., and their styles and structures.
  • Contextual Understanding: Interpreting the use of words, phrases, and sentences within their specific context in a passage.

CAT Syllabus 2024 for VARC: High-Yielding Topics

The VARC section in the CAT exam includes 24 questions that focus on four main sub-topics: Reading Comprehension (RC), Verbal Ability, Para jumbles, and Odd Sentences. This structure of the CAT VARC section generally remains unchanged from year to year.

VARC Topics for CATNo. of QuestionsLevel of Difficulty
Reading Comprehension16Moderate to Difficult
VA-Para jumbles3Moderate to Difficult
VA-Odd Sentence2Easy to Moderate
VA-Summary3Easy to Moderate
Overall24Moderate to Difficult

CAT Syllabus 2024 for DILR

After completing the VARC section in the CAT exam, candidates move on to the DILR (Data Interpretation & Logical Reasoning) section. This section allows candidates 40 minutes to solve 20 questions, with 10 questions dedicated to each of Data Interpretation and Logical Reasoning.

The second section of the CAT exam is DILR (Data Interpretation & Logical Reasoning). This section is further divided into two subsections: Data Interpretation and Logical Reasoning. Familiarizing oneself with the important topics of CAT DILR can give candidates an advantage in covering the CAT syllabus for MBA and aiming for high scores in CAT 2024.

CAT Syllabus 2024 for DILRCAT Syllabus 2024 for DILR
Blood RelationsPuzzles
Clocks and CalendarsSets & Caselets
SyllogismBars & Line Graphs
SeriesData Arrangement
StatementsData Structures
Venn DiagramDirection Sense
PropositionFamily Tree
Data SufficiencyTables
Seating ArrangementBinary Logic
Pie Charts

What to study from CAT Syllabus for DILR?

  • Bar Graphs: Candidates draw conclusions based on data presented in bar graphs.
  • Line Graphs: Questions involve analyzing trends and patterns depicted in line graphs.
  • Pie Charts: Candidates interpret proportions and percentages represented in pie charts to make inferences.
  • Tables: Data given in tables need to be extracted and used to solve problems.
  • Caselets: Short paragraphs followed by related data (tables, graphs, charts) require analysis to answer questions.
  • Logical Reasoning Puzzles: Problems involve seating arrangements, blood relations, and other logical puzzles.
  • Binary Logic: Candidates analyze statements and determine their logical validity based on given conditions.
  • Logical Deductions: Making logical deductions based on provided premises and drawing valid conclusions.
  • Venn Diagrams: Interpreting relationships between different sets of data using Venn diagrams.
  • Data Sufficiency: Determining whether given data is sufficient to answer a specific question or solve a problem.
  • Quantitative Comparison: Comparing two quantities and determining their relationship using provided data.
  • Cubes and Dice: Manipulating cubes or dice, identifying patterns, and solving related problems.
  • Logical Connectives: Analyzing statements connected by logical operators (and, or, not) and concluding.
  • Number Series: Identifying patterns in numerical sequences and predicting the next number in the series.3

CAT Syllabus 2024 for DILR: High-Yielding Topics

As previously noted, the DILR section of CAT includes two types of questions: Data Interpretation and Logical Reasoning. Here is an overview of the structure of the DILR section in CAT, including the difficulty levels based on analysis of past year’s question papers.

DILR Topics for CAT 2024No. of QuestionsLevel of Difficulty
Set 1 (Data Interpretation)5Easy
Set 2 (Data Interpretation)5Moderate
Set 3 (Logical Reasoning)5Moderate to Difficult
Set 4 (Logical Reasoning)5Moderate
Overall20Moderate to Difficult

DILR CAT Syllabus 2024: Expected Topics and Weightage

Listed below are the key topics from the DILR section of CAT Syllabus 2024 that are anticipated to appear in the CAT 2024 exam, along with their respective expected importance or weightage.

CAT 2024 SetsTotal Questions (Expected)
Tables & Charts5-7
Graphs, Charts4-5
Graph, Bar diagram7-9
Tables, Pie chart4-5

CAT Syllabus 2024 for QA

The Quantitative Aptitude section of CAT 2024 emphasizes a comprehensive grasp of mathematical topics and formulas typically taught in classes 9 and 10. The syllabus primarily centres around Arithmetic and Algebra concepts.

CAT Syllabus 2024 for QATopics
GeometryRatios and Proportion
Quadratic and Linear EquationsAlgebra
PartnershipSquare Root
Cube RootGeometric Progression
Mean, Mode, MedianSimple Interest and Compound Interest
Work and TimeSurds and Indices
Number SystemProbability
Binomial TheoremProfit & Loss

CAT 2024 Syllabus for QA: High-Yielding Topics

The Quantitative Aptitude (QA) section of the CAT exam consists of 22 questions. It predominantly covers key topics such as Modern Mathematics, Numbers, Arithmetic, and Algebra. Below is the distribution and weightage of topics in the QA section of the CAT exam.

CAT 2024 Syllabus for QA: High-Yielding TopicsNo. of QuestionsDifficulty Level
Arithmetic8Moderate to Difficult
Algebra7Moderate to Difficult
Geometry3Moderate to Difficult
Modern Maths2Moderate to Difficult
Number System2Moderate to Difficult
Overall22Moderate to Difficult

QA CAT Syllabus 2024: Expected Topics and Weightage

Candidates can refer to the anticipated CAT 2024 syllabus for Quantitative Aptitude (QA) and its expected weightage in each section, based on insights from previous CAT question papers.

CAT 2024 Topics (Expected)Slot 1Slot 2Slot 3
Number System122
Modern Maths101
Geometry & Mensuration232

CAT Syllabus 2024: Latest Changes

Changes in the CAT examChanges in 2020CAT 2021 onwardsCAT 2024
VARC questionsReduced from 34 to 26Further reduced to 2424 VARC questions
DILR questionsReduced from 32 to 24Cut down further to 2020 DILR questions
QA questionsReduced from 34 to 26Reduced to 2222 QA Questions
Total Questions in CATCut down from 100 to 76Further cut to 66Total 66 questions
CAT Exam ScoreReduced from 300 to 228Reduced to 198Total 198 marks

Why a good CAT Exam Preparation Strategy is Important?

In 2023, a record 3.28 lakh students registered for the CAT exam, with 2.88 lakh appearing for it, underscoring the necessity for a robust CAT 2024 strategy. This entails not only an overarching preparation plan but also specific strategies for each section. Candidates can utilize the following section-wise approach for CAT 2024 to initiate and enhance their preparation efforts.

CAT Syllabus 2024 FAQs

What is the CAT exam syllabus for Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension (VARC)?

The CAT VARC section includes topics like Reading Comprehension, Para Jumbles, Sentence Correction, Vocabulary (Synonyms, Antonyms), and Grammar (Parts of Speech, Tenses). It focuses on assessing language comprehension and usage skills.

What are the key topics covered under Data Interpretation and Logical Reasoning (DILR) in CAT?

DILR in CAT comprises topics such as Data Interpretation (Tables, Charts, Graphs, and Caselets) and Logical Reasoning (Puzzles, Blood Relations, Syllogisms, Coding-Decoding). These sections test analytical and logical reasoning abilities.

What mathematical topics are included in the Quantitative Aptitude (QA) section of CAT?

The CAT QA section covers Arithmetic, Algebra, Geometry, Number Systems, Modern Maths, Percentages, Time-Speed-Distance, Probability, and more. It evaluates mathematical problem-solving skills.

How many questions are there in each section of CAT 2024?

CAT 2024 consists of three sections: VARC (24 questions), DILR (20 questions), and QA (22 questions), making a total of 66 questions.

Is the CAT syllabus fixed every year?

The CAT syllabus generally remains consistent with slight variations in the number of questions and their difficulty levels. It primarily assesses candidates on the above-mentioned topics across its sections.

What is the difficulty level of the CAT exam syllabus?

The CAT exam syllabus is designed to be challenging, with questions ranging from moderate to difficult across all three sections. It requires thorough preparation and strong problem-solving abilities.

How should I prepare for the CAT VARC section effectively?

Focus on improving reading comprehension skills, and vocabulary through regular reading, and practice answering questions on Para Jumbles, Sentence Correction, and Verbal Reasoning. Mock tests and timed practice are crucial.

What strategies can I use to excel in the CAT DILR section?

Practice solving various types of puzzles, logical reasoning questions, and data interpretation exercises. Enhance your ability to analyze data quickly and accurately, and practice time management during the exam.

What are some recommended resources for preparing for CAT 2024?

Apart from CAT official resources, recommended books include Arun Sharma’s books for QA and DILR, Norman Lewis for vocabulary, and regular practice with mock tests and previous years’ papers.

Is it necessary to join coaching for CAT preparation?

Coaching can provide structured guidance and strategies, but self-study with disciplined preparation and using online resources, books, and mock tests can also be effective. The choice depends on individual learning preferences and needs.

If you have any queries regarding CAT Syllabus 2024, you can ask your query and leave comments below.