CAT Admission Exam

CAT Exam Pattern 2024 (Available), Paper Mode, Marking Scheme โ€“ Check Pattern Here

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The IIMs have defined the CAT exam pattern for 2024, which includes 66 questions in total. These questions will be a combination of Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) and Type in the Answer (TITA) questions. Candidates will have 120 minutes (2 hours) to complete the exam, with each of the three sections allocated 40 minutes. This format marks a change from the previous 180-minute duration used before 2020.

Each segment of the CAT examโ€”Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension (VARC), Quantitative Aptitude (QA), and Data Interpretation & Logical Reasoning (DILR)โ€”will span 40 minutes each. The CAT exam for 2024 will offer a total of approximately 198 marks. For comprehensive details on the CAT pattern for 2024, encompassing the paper timing, sectional time constraints, total marks allocation, and more, refer to the linked article.

The CAT exam pattern has seen several revisions over the years under the guidance of the IIMs. However, since 2015, the total marks and duration of the CAT exam have remained consistent. Additionally, understanding the CAT exam pattern assists candidates in formulating effective test-taking strategies.

CAT 2024 Exam Pattern

CAT 2024 is scheduled to take place on November 24, 2024. This exam is designed to challenge candidatesโ€™ reasoning and mathematical abilities under time constraints. Success in CAT 2024 hinges on adeptly applying logical reasoning and aptitude skills. Candidates preparing for CAT 2024 should acquaint themselves with the updated entrance pattern to grasp the question paperโ€™s structure and marking scheme effectively.

CAT 2024 Exam Pattern: Big Highlights

Having access to the CAT exam paper PDF can significantly aid in preparing for the CAT exam. Before appearing for this national-level MBA entrance exam, itโ€™s crucial to understand the CAT 2024 pattern, including the test procedure, exam date, and notification details. Candidates aiming for CAT 2024 should familiarize themselves with the latest CAT entrance exam pattern and syllabus. Over the past two years, the CAT exam has featured 66 questions.

What is CAT Exam Pattern 2024?

The CAT exam pattern is specifically crafted to assess candidatesโ€™ capacity to solve mathematical and reasoning challenges efficiently within strict time limits. It emphasizes mathematical aptitude and logical reasoning skills. For those preparing to take CAT 2024, it is essential to acquaint themselves with the updated CAT exam pattern. This familiarity will enable them to grasp the structure of the CAT question paper and understand the marking scheme better, thereby enhancing their preparation strategy.

In the CAT question paper 2024, there will be three sections:

Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension (VARC):

  • Number of Questions: 24
  • Weightage: 72 marks

Data Interpretation and Logical Reasoning (DILR):

  • Number of Questions: 20
  • Weightage: 60 marks

Quantitative Aptitude (QA):

  • Number of Questions: 22
  • Weightage: 66 marks

This structure indicates the distribution of questions and marks across each section of the CAT exam, helping candidates strategize their preparation accordingly.

CAT Paper Pattern

CAT Exam Time Duration2 Hours (120 Minutes)
Name of the SectionsVerbal Ability & Reading Comprehension (VARC)
Data Interpretation & Logical Reasoning (DILR)
Quantitative Aptitude (QA)
Section-wise CAT Exam Duration40 Minutes for Each Section (VARC, DILR, QA)
53 Minutes 20 Seconds for PwD candidates for each section
CAT Slot TimingsSlot 1: 8:30 am โ€“ 10:30 am (Morning Session)
Slot 2: 12:30 pm โ€“ 2:30 pm (Afternoon Session)
Slot 3: 4:30 pm โ€“ 6:30 pm (Evening Session)
Number of Questions in the CAT Exam66 Questions
CAT Total Marks198 marks
Mode of the CAT 2024 ExamComputer-Based Mode (CBT)
CAT Marking Schemeโ€“ Correct Answer (MCQs): +3 marks
โ€“ Incorrect Answer (MCQs): -1 mark
โ€“ No Negative Marks for Non-MCQs

CAT Paper Pattern 2024 โ€“ Important Points

Here are the additional details about CAT 2024:

  • Use of On-Screen Calculator: Candidates can utilize an on-screen calculator for computations during CAT 2024.
  • On-Screen Clock: An on-screen clock will be available for candidates to monitor the time during the exam.
  • Rough Work Sheets: Sheets for rough work will be provided to candidates, which must be submitted at the end of the CAT exam.
  • Section Switching: Candidates are not allowed to switch from one section to another while answering questions within a section.
  • CAT Official Mock Test: The official CAT mock test has been released on the official CAT website, It provides insights into the overall and section-wise exam pattern of CAT.
  • CAT 2024 Sessions: CAT 2024 will be conducted in three sessions:
    • Morning Session: 8:30 am โ€“ 10:30 am
    • Afternoon Session: 12:30 pm โ€“ 2:30 pm
    • Evening Session: 4:30 pm โ€“ 6:30 pm

These sessions offer flexibility for candidates to choose a convenient time slot for their exam.

CAT Duration 2024

CAT 2024 will be conducted on November 24 across three sessions, each lasting 120 minutes (2 hours). The exam will be held in the morning, afternoon, and evening, providing candidates with options to choose their preferred time slot for the test.

CAT Exam Time Duration

Based on historical trends and CAT paper patterns, candidates are allotted 40 minutes for each section of the exam. Once the 40-minute sectional time limit concludes, no further changes or corrections to answers are permitted. Below is a table listing the number of questions per CAT section and their respective sectional time limits.

CAT Exam SectionsNumber of questionsTime limitTime limit for PwD students
Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension (VARC)2440 minutes53 minutes and 20 seconds
Data Interpretation & Logical Reasoning (DILR)2040 minutes53 minutes and 20 seconds
Quantitative Aptitude (QA)2240 minutes53 minutes and 20 seconds
Total66120 minutes160 minutes

CAT Exam Slot Timings

CAT Exam SlotsCAT Exam Time
CAT Slot 18:30 AM to 10:30 AM
CAT Slot 212:30 PM to 2:30 PM
CAT Slot 34:30 PM to 6:30 PM

CAT Qualifying Marks

CAT 2024 qualifying marks will be disclosed when the CAT cutoff is released for the upcoming academic session. These qualifying marks are determined by the Indian Institutes of Management (IIMs) and other leading MBA colleges that consider CAT scores for admission to MBA/PGDM programs. Meeting the CAT qualifying marks criteria is essential for candidates aspiring to participate in the selection rounds for MBA admissions.

CAT Exam Pattern 2024 โ€“ What kind of questions come in the CAT Exam?

Based on the previous yearโ€™s CAT question paper, the section-wise distribution for the CAT 2024 test pattern is as follows:

VARC Section:

  • 4 Reading Comprehension (RC) passages with 18 Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)
  • 8 Non-MCQs subdivided into Para Summaries, Para Jumbles, and Context Sentences

DILR Section:

  • Data Interpretation: 14 Questions
  • Logical Reasoning: 10 Questions
  • Questions are typically arranged in sets of 6 and 4

QA Section:

  • Focus areas include Arithmetic, Geometry, Logarithms, Algebra, and Roots

CAT Marking Scheme 2024

The CAT test pattern for 2024 clarifies whether there is a negative marking in the exam. It outlines the marking scheme where candidates can learn about the total marks awarded for each correct answer and the deduction of marks for incorrect answers.

  • Each correct answer in CAT 2024 will earn candidates three marks.
  • There is a negative marking: one mark will be deducted for each wrong answer.
  • Unanswered questions do not incur any negative marking.
  • Non-MCQs (Non-Multiple Choice Questions) also do not have negative markings for incorrect answers.
CAT Exam SectionNumber of QuestionsMarks per QuestionCAT Negative Marking (Only MCQs)
Quantitative Aptitude223-1
  • Marks per Question: Each correct answer earns 3 marks.
  • CAT Negative Marking (Only MCQs): 1 mark will be deducted for each incorrect answer in Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs).

CAT Entrance Exam Pattern Changes over the years

YearNumber of QuestionsSectionsMarking SchemeDurationConducting Body
2023Total 66 questions (24 VARC, 20 DILR, 22 QA)Verbal & Reading Comprehension, Data Interpretation & Logical Reasoning, Quantitative Aptitude3 marks for correct answer, -1 mark for wrong answer (MCQs only)2 hoursIIM Lucknow
2022Total 66 questions (24 VARC, 20 DILR, 22 QA)Verbal & Reading Comprehension, Data Interpretation & Logical Reasoning, Quantitative Aptitude3 marks for correct answer, -1 mark for wrong answer (MCQs only)2 hoursIIM Bangalore
2021Total 66 questions (24 VARC, 20 DILR, 22 QA)Verbal & Reading Comprehension, Data Interpretation & Logical Reasoning, Quantitative Aptitude3 marks for correct answer, -1 mark for wrong answer (MCQs only)120 minutesIIM Ahmedabad
2020Total 76 questions (24 in one section, 26 in others)Verbal & Reading Comprehension, Data Interpretation & Logical Reasoning, Quantitative Aptitude3 marks for correct answer, -1 mark for wrong answer (MCQs only)120 minutesIIM Indore
2019Total 100 questions (32 in one section, 34 in others)Verbal & Reading Comprehension, Data Interpretation & Logical Reasoning, Quantitative Aptitude3 marks for correct answer, -1 mark for wrong answer180 minutesIIM Kozhikode

Important Points About the CAT Test Process

  • Candidates can use an onscreen calculator for calculations during the CAT 2024 exam.
  • An onscreen clock will be available to help candidates manage their time effectively.
  • After 40 minutes, the screen will automatically move to the next section, and candidates cannot return to previous sections.
  • Instructions for saving answers and other details will be provided on the first page of the test; candidates must read these carefully.
  • Sheets of paper will be provided for rough work, which must be submitted before leaving the exam hall.
  • Candidates cannot start the test before the designated time and can only log in after the invigilatorโ€™s announcement.
  • Candidates must remain seated at their assigned seats throughout the exam; moving to another seat can lead to disqualification.
  • Itโ€™s recommended that candidates aim to complete each section 5-10 minutes before time to review and revise their answers effectively.

CAT Syllabus and Important Topics

The CAT syllabus document detailing topics for VARC, DILR, and QA sections has not been officially released by the IIMs. However, by examining previous yearsโ€™ CAT question papers, candidates can discern the major subject areas covered in the CAT syllabus. While CAT primarily tests quantitative aptitude, the Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension (VARC) section is often challenging for candidates. Similarly, Logical Reasoning and Data Interpretation (DILR) questions are known to be equally difficult. Below are the key topics of the CAT syllabus for 2024, inferred from analysis of past question papers.

  • Verbal Ability & Reading Comprehension: This section covers Parajumbles, Sentence Completion, Reading Comprehension passages, Para-Summary questions, and Inferences.
  • Data Interpretation & Logical Reasoning: Topics include Tables, Graphs, Data Caselets, Blood Relations, Venn Diagrams, Seating Arrangements, and Syllogism.
  • Quantitative Aptitude: This section encompasses topics such as Percentages, Profit & Loss, Simple Interest and Compound Interest, Time & Distance, Averages, Mixtures & Alligations, Numbers, Mensuration, Logarithms, Functions & Graphs, Indices & Surds, Quadratic Equations, Special Equations, and Statistics.

CAT Test Pattern 2024: How to Mark Answers?

The CAT exam is conducted in Computer-Based Test (CBT) mode, requiring candidates to input their answers using a computer mouse. However, for TITA (Type in the Answer) questions, candidates are allowed to use the keyboard. Each CAT question presents four answer options, from which candidates must select the correct answer and then choose one of the following options to proceed:

  • Save and Next
  • Clear Response
  • Mark for Review and Next

These options help candidates navigate through the exam, save answers, clear responses, or mark questions for review while moving to the next question.

How many levels are there in the CAT exam?

Based on the CAT MBA test pattern:

  • VARC (Verbal Ability & Reading Comprehension): This section consists of 24 questions carrying a total weightage of 72 marks.
  • DILR (Data Interpretation & Logical Reasoning): It comprises 20 questions with a weightage of 60 marks.
  • QA (Quantitative Aptitude): The QA section includes 22 questions and holds a weightage of 66 marks.

CAT Exam Pattern โ€“ Previous Years

YearNumber of QuestionsDifficulty LevelCAT Exam Time DurationConducting Body
202366Difficult2 hoursIIM Lucknow
202266Moderate2 hoursIIM Bangalore
202166Moderate to High (Expected)2 hoursIIM Ahmedabad
202076Moderate to High2 hoursIIM Indore
2019100Moderate to High3 hoursIIM Kozhikode
2018100Moderate to High3 hoursIIM Calcutta
2017100Moderate3 hoursIIM Lucknow
2016100Moderate to Difficult3 hoursIIM Bangalore
2015100Moderate to Difficult3 hoursIIM Ahmedabad
2014100Moderate to Easy2.5 hoursIIM Indore
201360Moderate to Easy2 hours 20 minutesIIM Indore
201260Moderate to Easy2 hours 20 minutesIIM Indore
201160Moderate2 hours 20 minutesIIM Calcutta

Difference Between CAT Exam Pattern and Other MBA Entrance Exams?

If you study for the CAT exam, you can effectively prepare for other MBA entrance exams with some additional effort. Below are the key distinctions between the CAT exam pattern and other MBA entrance exams like XAT, CMAT, MAT, IIFT, GMAT, NMAT, and SNAP. Understanding these differences can help you assess the difficulty level of the CAT exam:

Hereโ€™s a comparison of the CAT exam with other major MBA entrance exams in terms of duration, number of questions, sections, and total marks:

Exam NameTime DurationNo. of QuestionsSectionsTotal Marks
CAT120 minutes663198
XAT210 minutes1055105
CMAT180 minutes1005400
MAT120 minutes1505150
IIFT120 minutes1104300
GMAT187 minutes704200-800
NMAT120 minutes108336-360
SNAP60 minutes60360

CAT Total Marks vs Percentile

Here are the expected scores for CAT 2024 corresponding to various percentiles:

PercentileScore VARCScore DILRScore QAOverall Score

CAT Exam Pattern 2024 FAQs

What is CAT?

CAT stands for the Common Admission Test, which is a national-level entrance exam conducted in India for admission to various management programs offered by IIMs and other prestigious B-schools across the country.

When is CAT 2024 going to be held?

CAT 2024 is scheduled to be held on November 24, 2024, in multiple sessions throughout the day.

What are the sections in the CAT exam?

The CAT exam consists of three sections:
Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension (VARC)
Data Interpretation and Logical Reasoning (DILR)
Quantitative Aptitude (QA)

How many questions are there in CAT 2024?

CAT 2024 will have a total of 66 questions distributed across the three sections: VARC (24 questions), DILR (20 questions), and QA (22 questions).

Is there negative marking in CAT?

Yes, there is negative marking in CAT for MCQs (Multiple Choice Questions). For each incorrect answer, one mark is deducted. There is no negative marking for Non-MCQs (TITA โ€“ Type in the Answer) questions.

What is the duration of the CAT exam?

The CAT exam duration is 2 hours (120 minutes). Each section is timed separately, with 40 minutes allocated to VARC, 40 minutes to DILR, and 40 minutes to QA.

Can I use a calculator during the CAT exam?

No, candidates are not allowed to carry any physical calculator into the exam hall. However, an on-screen calculator will be provided for numerical calculations during the exam.

How can I prepare for CAT effectively?

Effective CAT preparation involves understanding the exam pattern, practicing with previous yearsโ€™ question papers, taking mock tests, focusing on time management, and improving both speed and accuracy in problem-solving.

What is a good score in CAT to get into IIMs?

Scores required to get into IIMs vary each year based on the difficulty level of the exam and the applicant pool. Generally, a percentile above 99 is considered competitive for securing admission into the top IIMs.

How is the CAT score calculated?

CAT score is calculated based on the number of correct and incorrect answers. Each correct answer earns +3 marks, while each incorrect answer in MCQs deducts -1 mark. Scores from all three sections are normalized to calculate the final percentile score.

If you have any queries regarding CAT 2024 Exam Pattern, you can ask your query and leave comments below.